This web site is my gift of love to you, my loved ones?children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, dear friends, and their descendants. It is a gift of wisdom, wisdom I have learned from myriad life experiences. My hope is that this legacy will be a guide to your greater happiness. It is much more than the story of my life. It is the unwrapping of God's gift of my exciting journey and of the GEMS of WISDOM He has graciously given me, and I, in turn, give to you. They are precious, and I want to give them to you to enjoy.

The world would not say that Ken Willig has had a charmed life, but I feel I have?a life blessed by God's love and discipline. It has not been an easy journey, I admit, but definitely an exciting one. My hope is that you will sense that same love from God to bless your life and benefit from my experience.

As you navigate the various pages of this web site, I believe you will find it a memorable and rewarding tour?one that I hope you will want to share with your loved ones, and that God will bless you in the process.

Arguably, the span of my lifetime has included more amazing changes in American life than any other such period in all of history. So much has changed in every possible aspect of life. For example, I have seen and personally experienced the medical advance of organ transplants. That was unheard of when I was a boy. Without that, I would not be alive today to write this.

Yes, I have experienced unimaginable changes, and learned a great deal along the way. I want to share the directional signs that made my journey such a good one, even though I was either forced to take, or chose to take, several undesirable detours along the way.

In the story of Alice in Wonderland, Alice comes to a fork in the road and asks the Cheshire cat which way she should go. He says, "That depends on where you want to go." She says, "I don't know." To which the cat replies, "Then it doesn't matter." But for you, it does matter, doesn't it? Perhaps you have heard of Yogi Berra who has said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Neither the cat's nor Yogi's advice is what you want, is it? No! That's why I have created this web site.

I am especially delighted to share the GEMS of WISDOM section of this web site with you. I think you will find the GEMS more meaningful if you navigate and explore the entire web site content as you go. It is like knowing the history of England before visiting London.

May your journey be a rewarding one. Consider me your guide; here to help you make your life travels more exciting, happier, and worthwhile. My goal is for you and me to reach our final destination and hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

With love from Papa Ken

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